The Queen’s secret to longevity
Jun 08, 2022
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we look at Her Majesty’s secrets to a long healthy life. At 96 years-old, Queen Elizabeth has reigned longer than any British monarch that has preceded her. She is also the world’s oldest head of state. Her late husband, Prince Philip reached the ripe old age of 99 and the Queen Mother lived to see 101, a particularly rare feat for a woman born in 1900. So what is the Royals’ secret to longevity?
Happy marriage and a healthy lifestyle.
The Queen and Prince Philip were married for 73 years and research has suggested that a long, happy marriage could help you live longer. The Queen, of course, has a very healthy diet and has enjoyed a lifetime of outdoor pursuits such as horse riding and long country walks. She rode until the age of 95 and was said to be disappointed when she was forced to hang up her riding boots for good.
Royal health checks
It’s no secret that the Royal Family have access to the world’s best healthcare. But the key to any good primary care is getting regular health checks.
The Queen regularly attends King Edward VII hospital for routine checks-ups and ‘pre-scheduled’ health checks. This is what’s known as proactive healthcare. These Royal MOT’s have always been a vital part of the Queen’s health care regime, ensuring that she has remained on top of her health for 70 successful years on the throne

Everyone can benefit from regular health checks
It’s not just the Queen that can benefit from regular health checks. An annual visit to the doctor has long been considered to be the foundation of good primary care.
Clinical evidence shows that Annual Health Checks are more beneficial and can identify undetected health conditions earlier. An annual health MOT can tell you whether you’re at higher risk of getting certain health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even cancer. It can also increase your chances of successful treatment and cure.
Harvey Rhys health checks
Upon joining every member will have an initial health check, which includes health screenings and a detailed ‘outcome review’ produced by our clinical scientist. This will be followed up by annual health checks to give our team an understanding of your health so they can manage your situation long-term. Over 60s receive health checks twice yearly.
During her 70 years reign, the Queen has led by example yet access to great healthcare isn’t exclusively reserved for the Royals. Perhaps we could become a healthier nation as a whole if, like the Queen, we went for regular health checks.